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Boarding Parents

Must be a born-again Christian for a minimum of three years and demonstrate a Christ-like testimony. Married couple will have been married at least one year and demonstrate a good marriage. Must sign: DA Statement of Faith DA Staff Expectations Agreement DA Boarding Philosophy. Family histories of both spouses, childhood to the present, must be taken into consideration. Must be supportive of the boarding school concept; must have a call or strong sense of commitment to children and an enjoyment of being with them.
Must have had Ethnos360 training or previous experience as a boarding parent.
Region: Africa
Country: Senegal
Location: International School
Salary: None – Financial support raising required
Purpose: Dakar Academy offers family-style homes within the school’s secure, walled-in campus. Each home is led by a married couple whose full-time responsibility is the care and nurture of the students in their home.
Responsibilities: The care and nurture of boarding students.
People Needed: 2
Dakar Academy offers a stipend and benefits, including furnished housing, utilities, and medical insurance subsidy.
