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Field MK Ed Admin Team Member

Ethnos360 Training
Good administrative skills , Member-care heart, Continues to learn by attending workshops and/or doing reading and research, Good communication skills
Experience in MK Education and the IFEC
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country: Asia-Pacific
Salary: None – Financial support raising required
Purpose: The MK ED Admin Team provides leadership to the IFEC and is responsible for various administrative tasks.
  1. Help prepare for, lead, and attend the IFEC Annual Meeting
  2. Periodic review of MK Care & Education documents
  3. Oversight of the field’s child safety programs (Safe Child & Boundaries)
  4. Field education-related financial accounts
  5. Communication regarding MK Education to the field
  6. Support regional education consultants
  7. MK Ed correspondence
  8. Short-term MK Ed workers
  9. Updating & Maintaining MK Ed folders on Teams
  10. Updating & Maintaining Dropbox files
Duration: 2 Years - Career
People Needed: 1
Priority: Urgent
This position could be filled by one full-time person or several part-time people.
