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Church Planter

Ethnos360 Training
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country: Papua New Guinea
Salary: None – Financial support raising required
Purpose: The goal of a church planting team is to present a clear understanding of the message of the Bible to see New Testament churches established and brought to spiritual maturity through continued teaching, discipleship, and Bible translation.

Upon arrival in PNG church planters begin with study of the national trade language and PNG culture, orientation to the wider team and ministries and specific equipping for the PNG context. Keeping interdependence with the existing PNG National Church in mind, church planters will then form teams, move into ministry locations, and begin building relationships as students of the local culture and language. After reaching proficiency in a specific culture and language, the ongoing work toward church maturity is begun in earnest.  In most cases the church planting team is involved in creating a literacy program and training local teachers. Church planters will also produce a systematic Bible curriculum and translate Old Testament portions and the New Testament into the local language.  While performing those tasks, the work of the church planter is to live out the truths and are being taught, by word and deed discipling new believers toward maturity and training up leaders for the local church. 

Duration: Career
People Needed: 25
Priority: Urgent
