Summer’s Over!
Camp Pearl and July ended together this year. We had a great six weeks of camp ministry. It was a blessing to work with so many people with a common desire to see God honored and campers “bumped closer to Christ.” We had a phenomenal team of people at camp this year, but it is […]

Working from Home
As I walked across the Camp Pearl lawn, I couldn’t help feeling like I had come home. The past three summers at Camp Pearl had been good ones. Good and Difficult. Camp is the hardest thing I purposefully do in life, but the profound rewards make every task and challenge well worth the effort. Those […]

Hello world!
This is my new headquarters on the Web! Thank you for your patience as I get things set up!
Colin and Megan each grew up on the mission field with their parents, who serve with NTM. They have wanted to be missionaries since they were kids. In January 2010, they met while training to be cross-cultural missionaries, and on June 11, 2011, they were married. Their pre-field training is complete, and they are engaged in ministry partnership development in Tennessee. Please pray for Colin and Megan as they grow in their marriage and prepare for missionary life together!