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Home School Helper

Willingness to be teachable, flexible and helpful. Minimum high school diploma.
A minimum of one year's experience assisting or teaching in a home school environment is required.
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country: Papua New Guinea
Salary: None – Financial support raising required
Purpose: To glorify God and assist in establishing churches in PNG by working to support a NTM PNG homeschool family to educate their school-aged children.

Partner with an NTM-PNG homeschooling family serving in a tribal location to help educate their school-aged students, helping to facilitate transitioning, and academic growth of the students they teach. The Tribe-Based Homeschool Helper is a primary resource to the parents to help them carry out the education of their children on the mission field.

Duration: Preferred for a full school year, but shorter options could also be beneficial to a family.

People Needed: 2
Each helper would serve one family. Location would be determined based on need, but with consideration given to the preference of the applicant. If an applicant does not want to serve in a tribal location, there are often also opportunities to serve at a center. This position is available for either Associate Members or Career Members of Ethnos360.
