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Thursday, Mar 06:

English Teacher Needed

Bill and Kelley Housley serve at Ramu Valley Academy (RVA) in Papua New Guinea. Pray for students who are taking academically challenging courses. “Pray specifically for their English skills to increase over the next two terms as we have a team of extra ESL [English as a Second Language] help. … Pray for our teachers as they give their hearts and souls to the Great Commission. … Pray for English teachers for next year.” In August, there will only be Kelley and another teacher to teach English, and Kelley has other full-time responsibilities in administration. “Please pray for the right person/people [to teach English at RVA].”

Serve at RVA

Wednesday, Mar 05:

A Big Task

Kathryn Kreiger ministers among the “B” people of Asia Pacific. Kathryn and her co-workers recently finished a translation workshop that “was both sobering and encouraging.” It was sobering because it reminded the team of how big the task of translating God’s Word is and encouraging when they thought about the “B” people one day reading God’s Word in their own heart language. “Please continue to pray for us as we dig deeper into discourse analysis and complete our pre-evaluation tasks … in preparation for our language evaluations in the middle of March!” Pray that the team would be encouraged to persevere, depending on the Lord for wisdom.

Tuesday, Mar 04:

Pray for Safety

Katie Moore ministers among the Nahuatl people of Las Moras, Mexico. In October of last year, the Las Moras team had to leave because of unrest in the region. The team is kept busy providing help to other teams and encouraging missionaries, but they desire that “the Lord [would] bring stability to the area and allow us to return. We are also praying for safety for the Nahuatl in our community and for strength and perseverance for the church, currently scattered far and wide. … Ask that God would give us wisdom about when to return and patience in this difficult process.”

Monday, Mar 03:

Bolivian Laborers

Missionary couple “C and M” served in Bolivia for many years and now serve in Latin America itinerantly. They recently went back to Bolivia and taught a five-day workshop primarily for Quechua believers who had gone through Itinerant Quechua Bible School, a traveling school developed by the team to teach Quechua church congregations how to study their Bible. “Our goal [for this workshop] was to begin teaching them how to teach these materials in their own communities. … It was a good experience, and they were all eager to know when the next workshop will be.” Pray that the attendees would leave these workshops encouraged and better prepared to teach the Bible to their communities. Praise God for Quechua laborers.

Friday, Feb 28:

A Shelter for the Cora Church

Tom and Beth Carlton serve on the field leadership team and equip missionaries in Mexico. Last year, we prayed and gave toward the building of a roof structure under which the Cora church would meet. The Carltons share news from the Cora team that the project is complete. “On the first week, they met at the new church building, and about ten new people were in attendance, which was very encouraging. Pray for the believers and unbelievers as they are taught through the powerful book of Ephesians. May God use the testimony of the missionaries and the local believers, along with His Word being taught, to draw more souls to the Lord!”

Thursday, Feb 27:

Social Pressure

David and Shari Ogg, serving itinerantly, minister to the Simbari church of Papua New Guinea. “A few months ago we shared an urgent prayer request about how the Simbari church was undergoing constant harassment from an opposing religious group. … For now, the overt harassment has subsided; however, the internal sentiment behind it hasn’t changed. People who have begun to show an interest in the truth of God’s Word are still being scared away by this other group. Due to this ongoing social pressure, one of the villages that had asked for Bible teaching has withdrawn their invitation. Please keep praying for the growth of the Simbari church.”

Wednesday, Feb 26:

A Sad Parting

Daniel and Kristina Hansen serve in Asia Pacific. After a recent security issue, the Hansens, who were the last of the Asmat team still involved in the Asmat work, made the difficult decision to leave Asmat. Pray for them during this transition. Pray for the Asmat people. There are some believers among the Asmat and a church led by pastor Hendrikus, but in general, “the Asmat people have heard about Jesus, but their understanding is a mile wide and an inch deep.” Pray that pastor Hendrikus and church leadership would be encouraged “as they share God’s Word and encourage the believers. Pray that one day God would open the door to Asmat again.”

Tuesday, Feb 25:

The Nakanai People

In celebration of serving in Papua New Guinea (PNG) for 75 years, we are praying for a series of people groups New Tribes Mission PNG is working among. In December, we prayed for the Kovol people. Today let’s pray for the Nakanai people. The Nakanai people are strewn along the coast of the central north side of New Britain island. Many of them live off their gardens, but many of them also sell some sort of cash crop they’ve grown, like cacao, oil palm, or copra, to help them buy food from town and pay for school fees each year. The people face the growing challenge of being so busy with their cash crops or jobs that they don’t have a lot of time for other things.

Religion has been around for over a century, but many Nakanai people don’t read or study what the Bible says for themselves or understand what it means. Currently, in one village, there is a New Tribes Mission—PNG church plant that has been growing and is reaching out past the borders of their own village. Pray for this church as they bring God’s Word to their neighbors. Pray for open hearts among the Nakanai.

Watch the video.

Monday, Feb 24:

Igniting a Spark

Bill and Kelley Housley serve at Ramu Valley Academy (RVA) in Papua New Guinea. The RVA staff has been praying for the students, “specifically for spiritual growth and awareness.” God is answering prayers. Recent teachings and stories from believers “all piled up on a foundation of understanding God’s holiness and man’s sinfulness, ignited a spark, and we had several students give testimony … about Christ’s work in their lives! New believers!” One boy “spoke with his siblings and a neighboring student about their state of being lost.” Some students have asked to profess their faith publicly through baptism. Students are “verbalizing a desire to use their gifts and skills for God’s glory and the Great Commission.” Praise God for the work He is doing in the students’ hearts.

Friday, Feb 21:

God Is Working in Southeast Africa

Francois and Nadia Hattingh minister among the “M” people of Southeast Africa. Nadia is working with local believers to develop chronological Bible curriculum for preschoolers. Believers are teaching neighboring children using Bible materials, and there is interest in starting another preschool. Francois is working with a local team to “develop materials to train local church leaders.” The team is “trusting the Lord for a training center where believers can be equipped to take the Word of God where it has not gone before!”

Pray for wisdom, provision and perseverance in all these endeavors. Pray for more equipped preschool teachers and Bible teachers. Pray that God’s Word would penetrate the hearts of the “M” people — including the hearts of the young children.

Give towards the training of national partners.

Thursday, Feb 20:

Culture Stress

As missionaries move to a new context and learn a new culture and language, they can experience culture stress (or culture shock). Martha Beitzel, who is advancing through culture and language acquisition in the Philippines, says that along with culture stress come “feelings of irritation, fatigue and discouragement, often accompanied by frequent illness. … The more I am personally invested and involved in participating in a new culture, the more intense the effects of culture stress.” Pray that God would grant these missionaries endurance, perseverance and encouragement. Pray that He would remind them of the bigger picture — communicating God’s Word to a people who have never heard.

Wednesday, Feb 19:

A Big Goal

Micah and Laura Myers minister among the Lembena people of Papua New Guinea. The Lembena team is reaching the end of formal Culture and Language Acquisition (CLA). “We have a very busy season ahead of us with the goal of having all our paperwork and filing done by May to wrap up the Culture and Language Acquisition phase of our ministry! We are working hard getting lots of stories checked and prepped for that first literacy class.” Pray for stamina and encouragement as the team finishes CLA and prepares to teach literacy. “Pray that God continues to prepare [the Lembena people] for the gospel.”

Tuesday, Feb 18:

Missionaries in Training

Greg and Kadie Ried minister among the Taliabo people of Asia Pacific. “About 18 months ago … 13 young Taliabo adults had stepped out in faith and entered the Bible school/missionary training. ... They have all completed the Bible school portion and are now back home in the village for a practicum where they minister with their local church for a semester. In the fall, they will return to the school to continue with the missionary training portion. Pray for them as they put into practice what they have been studying. Pray that God will use them greatly in the future to spread His Good News.”

Monday, Feb 17:

Translation Progress in West Africa

Lív ministers in West Africa. This month, the translation of 1 Samuel and the first 12 chapters of 2 Samuel will be checked by a consultant. “[Praise the Lord] that one of the language helpers that we used last time says that he will be available for the check. Pray that the Lord speaks to him through what he hears. Pray for a good check, for wisdom and stamina and health for all of us. Pray also that all the practical things will come together for the check. Pray for a safe journey for the consultant. Pray that the updating of the books and preparation for printing will go well.”

Friday, Feb 14:

Shekinah’s Students

Ed and Silvia Emsheimer serve in Brazil at the Shekinah Missionary Training Center. Pray for the 13 new students training at Shekinah this semester. Pray as they “adjust to a new place that they will have sensitive hearts ready to learn.” Meanwhile, the 11 returning third semester students “are currently in their village practicum time and will be back with us in the beginning of March.” Pray for “opportunities for intentional discipleship and [for] moments of fellowship on campus.” Pray for “wisdom, strength and spiritual growth for us as we raise our daughter Lillian and train the next generation of cross–cultural missionaries.”

Thursday, Feb 13:

Living Among the “K” People

Aaron and Bekah Kern serve in Brazil. They are preparing to live among the “K” people alongside Ed and the Borja family, their co-workers. “Pray for the ‘K’ people; [pray] that God would prepare the soil and prepare us laborers. Pray that God would provide wisdom and clarity as we figure out how to proceed with [building our houses], … humbly relying on the people’s expertise and building positive relationships. And pray for our families too as we trust the Lord to help us thrive in these transitions. Pray that we would all grow in our faith and [pray] for God’s grace with all the tropical health issues.”

Wednesday, Feb 12:

Needs at the Homes of Ethnos360

The Homes of Ethnos360 in Sanford, Florida, is a home for retired Ethnos360 missionaries. Praise the Lord for the way He uses volunteers, interns, associates and career missionaries to minister to retired missionaries who have served Him faithfully in ministry over the years. Pray that God would lead more people to serve in long-term ministry at the Homes. Pray for a food service director, general maintenance personnel, personal care staff, housekeeping staff and kitchen staff. Pray that as the retirees continue to serve the Lord through official ministry and ministry to their family and friends, He would be glorified.

More about the Homes

Tuesday, Feb 11:

Milling Lumber and Building Relationships

Jezekiel and Anna Van Der Decker serve in Papua New Guinea. The Van Der Decker, Doerr and Islamaj families are preparing to live and minister among the Mian people. The Van Der Deckers recently made a trip to the village to begin milling lumber for their team’s future office. “It was really cool to see the community's enthusiasm to do everything they can to assist in our allocation. … Please be praying for the airstrip's progress as the completion of this airstrip will greatly aid in our allocation process!” Praise God as the team is already beginning to form meaningful relationships with the Mian people.

Monday, Feb 10:

Coming This Spring

Leah Joslyn Dobbins serves with Ethnos360 Caribbean and Global Equip, a two-year Bible training program that focuses on training missionaries and spiritual leaders from limited access countries. In March, she will be involved with Ethnos360 Caribbean’s Wayumi, a missions retreat designed to mobilize and equip churches to be involved in cross-cultural missions. Also in March, Leah will be involved in the first Global Equip intensive. “This will be a time of connection, teaching and edification for our five students in the two-year online Bible school program.” Pray that these events would be informative and encouraging and would glorify God.

Friday, Feb 07:

Developing New Materials

Dan and Judy Burke minister among the Chimane people of Bolivia. Each year, they take a break from teaching discipleship courses from January to March and “completely focus our efforts on developing new materials. Dan is writing a commentary … for the book of James in Chimane. I (Judy) am continuing to write up new lessons in my series of chronological Bible lessons for the Chimane women.” Pray for wisdom as they strive to develop materials that are accurate and understandable. Pray for the Chimane elders as they “visit, evangelize and encourage believers” during a particularly “difficult season” of sickness and flooding.

Help fund the construction of a conference center for the Chimane church