Find your place in the world. You can help tribal people have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. That opportunity is still out of reach for many tribal people around the world. If you’re willing to make a long-term commitment to change that, we’re here to help you.
Ethnos360 will work in partnership with you and your church. We will provide the specialized training you need and help you find the role God has prepared for you in the network of missionaries who make tribal ministries possible.
Explore available roles
Career missionaries may be church planters or take a support role on a church-planting team.
View all positions currently available
How to become a career missionary
Learn about the application, approval and orientation processes to become a career missionary.
Find out about the vocational and personal qualifications needed to be a career missionary.
Your role as a career missionary and previous Bible education determine the training you’ll need, which can take from one to four years. Learn more about Ethnos360’s specialized training.
Whatever you are directly working in a village or a in a supporting role on the church planting team, you'll be a part of transforming lives. Below is a thirty minute documentary showing the process of reaching the Yembi Yembi people group.
How are missionaries’ ministries funded? What role can a spouse have? Get answers to the most frequently asked questions.