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Partner to Partner

The Partner to Partner quarterly newsletter helps you see how God is working around the world through your partnership with Ethnos360. Besides encouraging stories of transformed lives and updates from the field, each issue presents opportunities and options for you to help accelerate God's work among the world's people groups.

A Commitment to Train and Equip
Determination and Perseverance
Complex Contexts Continue to Present Challenges
The Amazon jungle split multiple times by countless rivers. Huge cities teeming with millions of inhabitants. Both contain unreached people groups...
Continuing to Venture Into the Unknown
“Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His Word], the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).
Venturing Into the Unknown
This is Ethnos360’s 80th anniversary, having started as New Tribes Mission back in 1942. Those first years were years of learning how to get into countries to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with those people groups who had never heard...
How Hard Can It Really Be?
Author: Bruce Enemark
On the challenges of language learning and translation
A Test for All We Are Worth
Author: Ron Hyink
If your eyes have not been opened to the expansive universe of missionary language training, allow me to open them for you just as mine were opened…
Culture and Language Acquisition: Essential for Translation
One of the core values of Ethnos360 is stated like this: We value excellence and urgency in all we do to finish the task. I want to focus a while on the “excellence” part of that statement. The excellence is not for the sake of being “better than...
Ice Fishing... And the Gospel?
Author: Bruce Enemark
During this year, we want to keep reminding you of one of the driving forces behind what we do among people groups around the world.
What is CLA?
Author: Bill Davis
Culture and Language Acquisition is the program Ethnos360 consultants and coaches teach missionaries in order to gain that necessary level of fluency and cultural understanding.
God Loves the People of the World
Your partnership with Ethnos360 demonstrates God's love. Through heart language ministries, people see that God cares enough to communicate clearly with them.
Translation Brings Understanding
Author: Bruce Enemark
"God now speaks to me in my own language." When the Bible is translated into the languages of people groups around the world, what happens? The eyes of their hearts are opened, they begin to understand what God desires for them and of them, and...