Please note that you must be logged into an account to set up a recurring gift, or to make changes to you recurring giving.
- To stop a gift: Log into "My Giving Account" and click "Stop" next to the gift you wish to stop.
- To change the amount you are giving: Log into "My Giving Account" and set up the gift again, but with the new amount. This will override your current gift.
- To add a missionary or project to your monthly giving: Log into "My Giving Account" and set up the gift. It will be automatically added to your current gifts.
If you have any questions or problems with your recurring gifts, please contact our Finance Office financeUSA@ntm.org or call toll-free during East Coast business hours at 407-547-2345.
If you need to update your credit or debit card's expiration date, log into "My Giving Account" and locate your card. Click on "Edit" and update the expiration date.
If you have a new credit card with new numbers, you can set that up over the phone. Call our Finance Office, toll-free, during East Coast business hours, at 407-547-2345.
All gifts to Ethnos360 for support of missionaries and projects are tax-deductible. As required by the IRS, gifts should be given with the understanding that they are under the full discretion and control of Ethnos360.
You may also make non-tax-deductible personal gifts for a birthday, Christmas or an anniversary. See the next question ("Can I make personal gifts?") for details.
Also, gifts to students at the Missionary Training Center and to participants in Interface are not tax-deductible. The IRS allows deductions for charitable purposes, not for educational purposes.
All gifts are in US dollars and receipts will be issued for US tax deductions only. If you require a receipt for a tax deduction in another country, you should consider giving through that country's mission website. For instance, Canadian donors requiring a Revenue Canada receipt, please give through Ethnos Canada. Other country's websites can be accessed through the navigation menu at the top of the page.
You may designate a personal gift for a birthday, Christmas or an anniversary, for up to $250 per recipient. This gift will not count as taxable income for the missionary nor as tax-deductible for you.
For instance, you could send Bob Missionary a gift of $250 for his birthday, Bob and June and their two children a gift of $1,000 for Christmas, and Bob and June $500 for their anniversary. Amounts given in excess of $250 per person per gift will be a tax-deductible donation for you and taxable income for the missionary.
You must designate your donation as a personal gift for one of those occasions, and state who it is for. You will receive a non-tax-deductible receipt.

Missionary Support

Please contact our Finance Office at 407-547-2345 or financeusa@ntm.org. Please let us know if you change banks so you can continue your involvement. You can also make changes, such as adding a missionary's ministry or a project or increasing or decreasing the amount you give.
Please contact our Finance Office at 407-547-2345 or financeusa@ntm.org and we will promptly correct any error.
The most reliable way to find out the correct routing number is to contact your financial institution and ask.
Filling out this line on the form is optional. We will be glad to look up your donor number if you do not know yours.
If you have not donated to Ethnos360 before, you will not have a donor number yet. If you are a current donor, that number is printed on each monthly receipt. If you have given to Ethnos360 before but cannot locate a receipt, you can simply leave the line blank and we will look it up.
Filling out this line on the form is optional. We will be glad to look up the missionary’s account number for you.
If you are a current donor, that number is printed on each monthly receipt.
Our Finance Department will be glad to help you with any other questions you have about automatic bank transfers or the form or with clarifications to any of the information on this page. Please call 407-547-2345 or e-mail financeusa@ntm.org.