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Giving FAQ's


Can I use online bill pay to give to a missionary?
Yes, you can give via your bank’s online bill pay. Please make sure that the check is made payable to Ethnos360 and includes your name and address and that the missionary’s name and/or ministry account number are on the bill pay when it is sent to our office. There are no additional fees for using online bill pay. Send to:  Ethnos360, 312 W First St, Sanford, FL 32771-1231.
What about credit card transaction fees?

The fees that credit card companies charge for online transactions — 2.2 percent of each gift — are charged to the ministry accounts of the missionaries who receive the gifts. You will still receive a tax-deductible receipt for the full amount of the gift. At the time of your donation online, you will have the opportunity to increase your gift to cover those transaction fees.

Transaction fees for gifts to projects are paid for by Ethnos360.

If you are concerned about the cost of your gift to your missionary, you may wish to use an electronic funds transfer.

How do I change recurring credit card gifts?

Please note that you must be logged into an account to set up a recurring gift, or to make changes to you recurring giving.

  • To stop a gift: Log into "My Giving Account" and click "Stop" next to the gift you wish to stop.
  • To change the amount you are giving: Log into "My Giving Account" and set up the gift again, but with the new amount. This will override your current gift.
  • To add a missionary or project to your monthly giving: Log into "My Giving Account" and set up the gift. It will be automatically added to your current gifts.

If you have any questions or problems with your recurring gifts, please contact our Finance Office or call toll-free during East Coast business hours at 407-547-2345.

What if I need to change my credit card information for a recurring credit card gift?

If you need to update your credit or debit card's expiration date, log into "My Giving Account" and locate your card. Click on "Edit" and update the expiration date.

If you have a new credit card with new numbers, you can set that up over the phone. Call our Finance Office, toll-free, during East Coast business hours, at 407-547-2345.

Can I give using a credit card issued outside the USA?

We are able to take gifts made with a credit card issued outside the USA. The gift will be in US dollars and your credit card company will calculate the exchange rate. They may also charge a fee for a foreign transaction. Contact the company that issued your credit card for details or more information.

You should also be aware that your receipt is valid for a US tax deduction, but may not be valid for tax deductions, if there are any, in other countries.

Are my gifts tax-deductible?

All gifts to Ethnos360 for support of missionaries and projects are tax-deductible. As required by the IRS, gifts should be given with the understanding that they are under the full discretion and control of Ethnos360.

You may also make non-tax-deductible personal gifts for a birthday, Christmas or an anniversary. See the next question ("Can I make personal gifts?") for details.

Also, gifts to students at the Missionary Training Center and to participants in Interface are not tax-deductible. The IRS allows deductions for charitable purposes, not for educational purposes.

All gifts are in US dollars and receipts will be issued for US tax deductions only. If you require a receipt for a tax deduction in another country, you should consider giving through that country's mission website. For instance, Canadian donors requiring a Revenue Canada receipt, please give through Ethnos Canada.  Other country's websites can be accessed through the navigation menu at the top of the page.

Can I make personal gifts?

You may designate a personal gift for a birthday, Christmas or an anniversary, for up to $250 per recipient. This gift will not count as taxable income for the missionary nor as tax-deductible for you.

For instance, you could send Bob Missionary a gift of $250 for his birthday, Bob and June and their two children a gift of $1,000 for Christmas, and Bob and June $500 for their anniversary. Amounts given in excess of $250 per person per gift will be a tax-deductible donation for you and taxable income for the missionary.

You must designate your donation as a personal gift for one of those occasions, and state who it is for. You will receive a non-tax-deductible receipt.

Are my gifts to students and Interface participants tax-deductible?

Gifts to students at the Missionary Training Center and to participants in Interface are not tax-deductible. The IRS allows deductions for charitable purposes, not for educational purposes, and these are educational programs.

When does the missionary receive my gift?

As soon as your gift is received by Ethnos360, it is credited to the missionary’s account. At the end of each calendar month, the funds are distributed to each missionary.

How much of my gift will the missionary receive?

Each gift you give will be used in full for the expenses of the missionary’s ministry or project you designate.

Why is my total giving not showing up in "My Giving Account"?

Your giving account shows only gifts made online while you are logged in. It does not include any gifts made by phone, check, electronic funds transfer or other methods. It also does not show any gifts you made online without logging in. You will receive monthly statements and a year-end receipt that reflect all your gifts to ministries in Ethnos360.

Is Ethnos360 in compliance with standards for ECFA Accreditation?
We have been in compliance since we joined ECFA in 2018. ECFA historically interpreted Standard 2 (requiring a majority of independent board members) to allow our missionaries who work outside the Home Office and raise their own support to be considered independent board members for Standard 2 purposes. Several board members of Ethnos360 were considered independent under this interpretation. During a February 2023 ECFA Board meeting, ECFA reviewed this historic interpretation and found it to be no longer valid given the increase of remote working arrangements which make the work location of a ministry staff member largely irrelevant in today’s world. Ethnos360 was notified of this change in interpretation and has agreed to adjust its board composition accordingly within a reasonable, incremental timeframe established by the ECFA board to regain compliance with Standard 2 by January 2025. We remain an accredited member in good standing during this compliance process.
How does Ethnos360 handle disaster relief funds?
Years ago, we would open a new, specific disaster fund whenever a disaster occurred. This often resulted in there being leftover money at the end of the disaster thanks to the generous giving of our donors exceeding the relief needs. In order to use the money for any other relief efforts, we had to contact each donor related to the remaining money and ask their permission to use it elsewhere. This was not being a good steward of either our staff time or the donations. We have since moved to a system where we have a single disaster relief fund (PUS073) that is always available for giving at This is the fund we direct our donors to when a disaster occurs and we are communicating ways that donors can help us in our relief efforts for that specific event. This allows us to flow leftover donations seamlessly to the next disaster where we are involved in providing relief. The fund is audited annually by an external firm as part of our annual audit process, and they are provided with detailed accounting for all uses of those funds as appropriate to the intent and nature of the fund.

Missionary Support

How are Ethnos360 workers paid?

Ethnos360 workers are responsible to raise financial support to pay their salary and ministry expenses. They are expected to look to God, trusting only in Him, while making their needs known to their sending churches as well as other interested churches and individuals.

What about pay for home staff and mission leaders?

All Ethnos360 missionaries are responsible to raise financial support to pay their salary and ministry expenses, including those who serve in the USA and Ethnos360 leaders.

How much support is recommended for an Ethnos360 missionary?

The recommended support for an Ethnos360 missionary varies according to where they serve, what their ministry involves, and how large their family is. You may ask a missionary about their recommended support level, or contact our Finance Office for that information:


312 W First Street
Sanford, Florida 32771-1231

How are support levels determined?

Recommended support levels are based on the actual costs of ministering and living at a reasonable level.

Missionaries are responsible for ministry expenses, benefits and taxes, including costs that are usually an employer’s responsibility.

For instance, missionaries must pay twice as much into Social Security as the typical U.S. employee, because they are paying both the employee and employer shares. They pay for all their own medical and life insurance premiums, and retirement. Missionaries usually pay for their own ministry-related travel and much of the equipment needed for ministry.

An overseas missionary’s ministry expenses are typically 35 percent of their recommended support level, with 30 percent going toward benefits and taxes and 35 percent for personal expenses.

For a U.S.A.-based missionary, 10 percent is typically for ministry expenses and 30 percent for taxes, with 60 percent for personal expenses.

What if missionaries receive less than is recommended?

Ethnos360 does not require missionaries to have 100 percent of their recommended support in order to begin or continue service.

However, serving with less than the recommended support brings stress greater than the typical family faces when expenses threaten to outstrip resources. For missionaries, the added burden is deciding whether to fund the ministry God has called them to or take care of family needs. With less support than is recommended, they may not buy items needed for ministry. Medical expenses or vehicle repairs may not be funded, or retirement planning won’t occur.

When you help a missionary reach their recommended support level, you help equip them for effective ministry.

Questions about EFT Giving

How do I change my EFT giving?
Can I set up EFT giving online?
Yes! You can now fill out the EFT Authorization Form online
Can I give quarterly or annually by EFT?
Automatic EFT contributions are available only for monthly gifts. You may choose to have contributions deducted on the 5th or 20th of the month.
When will monthly contributions be deducted from my account?
You may choose to have contributions deducted on the 5th or 20th of the month. They will never be deducted before those dates. They may be deducted a few days later if the date falls on a weekend or bank holiday or if the bank delays in debiting your account.
What if Ethnos360 makes a mistake?

Please contact our Finance Office at 407-547-2345 or and we will promptly correct any error.

How do I find out my financial institution routing number?
How do I find out my donor number?

Filling out this line on the form is optional. We will be glad to look up your donor number if you do not know yours.

If you have not donated to Ethnos360 before, you will not have a donor number yet. If you are a current donor, that number is printed on each monthly receipt. If you have given to Ethnos360 before but cannot locate a receipt, you can simply leave the line blank and we will look it up.

How do I find out my missionary's account number?

Filling out this line on the form is optional. We will be glad to look up the missionary’s account number for you.

If you are a current donor, that number is printed on each monthly receipt.

How will I keep track of my gifts if you're deducting them automatically?
You will continue to receive monthly receipts and a year-end receipt for tax purposes.
Why should I choose EFT over recurring credit card gifts?
You should choose the method for giving that best serves you. Many donors choose EFT when they learn that credit card transaction fees — roughly 2 percent of each gift — are charged to missionary accounts. (Partners still receive a tax-deductible receipt for the full amount of the gift.)
What if I have other questions?

Our Finance Department will be glad to help you with any other questions you have about automatic bank transfers or the form or with clarifications to any of the information on this page. Please call 407-547-2345 or e-mail