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More than 6,000 of the world's people groups are still unreached.
We help local churches train, coordinate and send missionaries to these tribes.

Support a Featured Project

Your gifts toward the establishing of a start-up fund have provided the necessary resources to meet the expenses associated with doing the...


Thanks to the generosity of ministry partners like you, this project has been fully funded!
$231,000 Given!
The Disaster Relief Emergency Fund will give Ethnos360 the resources to respond quickly to needs in any location. Your gifts today will keep...
Thanks to you, the three Helicopters for PNG project is fully funded.  Although the third helicopter is on order, we still have not received...


Thanks to the generosity of ministry partners like you, this project has been fully funded!
$4,222,378 Given!

Featured Story: From Fire to Fines

Paul and Bella Gervasi minister among the Sekadau in Asia Pacific, discipling believers and translating the Scriptures. Paul writes, “ Two days after we arrived [in the village], there was a very large thunderstorm. That is not unusual for here…
Your gift enables missionaries in four existing tribal works to receive supplies and medical help more easily. It also affords opportunity to...

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