You may contribute online or by phone using your Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover Card. Please call us toll-free during U.S. Eastern Time business hours at 407-547-2345 to give or if you have any questions.
Recurring Gifts
You can use your credit card to support your missionary every month, automatically. As you go through the online checkout process, check the box that says, "Make this a recurring gift," and your missionary will receive your gift from your credit card each month. Please note that when credit cards are used, missionary accounts pay credit card transaction fees.
Changing recurring gifts
Please note that you must be logged into an account to set up a recurring gift, or to make changes to you recurring giving.
- To stop a gift: Log into "My Giving Account" and click "Stop" next to the gift you wish to stop.
- To change the amount you are giving: Log into "My Giving Account" and set up the gift again, but with the new amount. This will override your current gift.
- To add a missionary or project to your monthly giving: Log into "My Giving Account" and set up the gift. It will be automatically added to your current gifts.
If you have any questions or problems with your recurring gifts, please contact our Finance Office: financeusa@ntm.org or call toll-free during East Coast business hours at 407-547-2345.
Changing or updating credit or debit cards
If you need to update your credit or debit card's expiration date, log into "My Giving Account" and locate your card. Click on "Edit" and update the expiration date.
If you have a new credit card with new numbers, you can set that up over the phone. Call our Finance Office, toll-free, during East Coast business hours, at 407-547-2345.
Give by phone
To give by credit card over the phone, please call us toll-free during U.S. Eastern Time business hours at 407-547-2345.
Debit and check cards
You may use a debit card or a check card just as you would a credit card.
Security and privacy
Our secure server encrypts all of the information you submit, and the information is then transferred securely to our payment processor. Your credit card number is not stored on our servers, for your safety.
Ethnos360 does not share your information with third parties.
Credit card transaction fees
The fees that credit card companies charge for transactions — roughly 2.2 percent of each gift — are charged to the ministry accounts of the missionaries who receive the gifts, because it is a cost associated with their ministries. You will still receive a tax-deductible receipt for the full amount of the gift. Transaction fees for gifts to projects are paid for by Ethnos360.
Alternative for recurring gifts
You may wish to consider using electronic funds transfers instead of recurring credit card giving to support your missionary monthly. There is no fee for missionaries who receive electronic funds transfers.
To give by check or money order, please make it payable to Ethnos360. Include a note to tell us if you are designating the gift for a particular project or missionary ministry or how you would like to divide it among projects or ministries. Please send it to:
312 West First Street
Sanford, Florida 32771-1231
You will receive a receipt acknowledging your contribution, as well as an envelope and a slip that will speed the processing of future gifts.
About bill-paying services
You can give via your bank’s online bill pay. Please make sure that the check is made payable to Ethnos360 and includes your name and address and that the missionary’s name/and or ministry account number are on the bill pay when it is sent to our office. There are no additional fees for using online bill pay. Send to: Ethnos360, 312 W. 1st St, Sanford, FL 32771-1231.
Giving through your IRA is a great way to give and can be a great benefit to you, the donor. Those that are 70 ½ or older are eligible to give through an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD).
A QCD allows you to donate through your IRA while not being taxed on the income withdrawn. Ethnos360 is qualified to receive Qualified Charitable Distributions.
Those that are 72 and older and are required to take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from their IRA can designate funds from that RMD as a QCD to Ethnos360.
To initiate a QCD gift, contact your IRA custodian and inform them that you would like to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA account to Ethnos360. Your custodian will be able to guide you through the process.
You will need to provide your custodian with our name and address.
312 West First Street
Sanford, FL 32771-1231
If needed, our EIN (tax ID number) is 39-6024926.
Please ask your custodian to show on the distribution check or check stub:
- that your gift is from an IRA account,
- the IRA account owner’s name and
- the way you would like your gift used.
If you would like to communicate with us about your IRA donation, you can email financeusa@ntm.org with the custodian’s name, the amount of distribution and the way you would like your gift used to verify the information regarding your donation.
If this is your first gift to Ethnos360, we will need your name and address for our donor record.
IRA Contact Information: email financeusa@ntm.org or call 407-547-2397
You may be surprised to learn that the stuff you have could help expand the reach of the Gospel. Ethnos360 can help you use your non-cash assets to aid in planting churches among unreached people groups. We will work with you to develop the best giving strategy for you and your family. You may even be able to reduce or avoid taxes by giving such non-cash assets as:
- Boats
- Antiques and other collectibles
- Jewelry and coins
- Business inventory
When a gift has been accepted by Ethnos360, a letter is sent to the partner for their tax records. The partner then determines the value of the gift.
To inquire about making a gift-in-kind gift, call 407-547-2397 or email special-services_hq@ntm.org.
Stocks: A Gift with Eternal Dividends
In many cases, giving stock results in a greater tax advantage than a cash gift. By giving stock you have owned for more than one year, you can receive a tax deduction for the fair-market value of the stock and not what you paid for it. This allows you to avoid capital gains tax, potentially saving you thousands of dollars.
For example, say you’re going to make a $10,000 gift and are considering selling stock to get the funds. If you sold $10,000 of stock that you had purchased over a year ago for $5,000, you would owe $750 of long-term capital gains tax (15% x $5,000), leaving you with $9,250. You would have to add an additional $750 to get back up to $10,000 for the gift you desired to give.
However, you can avoid the $750 in taxes by giving the stock, and you can then write off the full $10,000 on your taxes. Ethnos360 would then sell the stock so the funds could be used for the mission field.
Making this type of gift is easy. Simply notify us of your desire to give the shares, and we’ll give you the information to pass along to your broker. To learn more, call 407-547-2397 or email special-services_hq@ntm.org.
You have a variety of creative options to give in a way that best suits you, including wills and trusts, charitable gift annuities, beneficiary proceeds, life insurance and more. Ethnos360 has partnered with Thrivent Financial to help you select the course that is best for you. Get started today — contact us at 407-547-2397 or special-services_hq@ntm.org.
Thrivent helps people be wise with money and good stewards of the gifts God has given them. Find out more at www.thriventcharitable.com.
Your company can get involved in missions by making a corporate contribution to Ethnos360. Ethnos360 is a registered (501c3) charitable organization. (If you're considering a personal contribution, you may wish to check whether your company will match your gift to a registered charity.)
Matching gifts
You can double your employees' contributions to Ethnos360 by matching their gifts.
Monetary Gifts
Your company can make a special gift or a one-time gift, or give on an annual or monthly basis.
Excess Inventory
Write excess inventory off your taxes by donating medical supplies, furniture, computers, software, vehicles and other mission necessities.
Foundations and Grants
Underwrite mission projects, support a missionary's ministry or fund Ethnos360's general operations.
To explore these opportunities, please contact the Stewardship Development Office at 407-547-2397 or sdo@ntm.org, or fill out the corporate giving form below.
Gifts in memory
A memorial gift is a meaningful way for you to celebrate the life of a dear one who has passed on and to express to their family or friends how much they meant to you. When you make a memorial gift to Ethnos360, your gift is a tax-deductible contribution. You will receive a receipt and a thank-you. A letter will be sent to the family or close friends of the person in whose name you made the gift, informing them of the gift in memory of their loved one.
To make such a gift, please call 407-547-2345 and ask to be transferred to the Finance Office.
Gifts in honor
An honor gift marks a special occasion or acknowledges someone who has had a significant impact in your life. It’s a great idea for birthdays or anniversaries or just as a way to say thank you. When you make an honor gift to Ethnos360, your gift is a tax-deductible contribution. You will receive a receipt and a thank-you. A letter will be sent to the person in whose name the gift was made, telling them about the gift in their honor.
To make such a gift, please call 866-547-2460 and ask to be transferred to the Finance Office.
312 West First Street
Sanford, Florida 32771-1231