David and his wife, Emily, were a part of the church planting team who reached the Maliyali people group in Papua New Guinea with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Rimestads, along with their co-workers, lived among the Maliyali, learned their language, created a literacy program and in 2022 taught them the story of redemptive history. From Genesis to Revelation, they were able to share the good news of what God has done for all peoples in all places, once and for all.
David holds a bachelor’s degree in theology. His desire is to see all peoples from all places hear the good news and see all God’s people fully engaged in His mission worldwide. Now living Stateside, the Rimestads are assisting the Church by providing perspective regarding the current state of missions and helping them send more well-trained missionaries to those who haven’t heard the gospel yet. Residing in California, David’s favorite pastime is being at the beach with his best friend and wife, their son, Calvin, and two daughters, Louise and Elizabeth.