Neil and Becky Burleson
While enrolled as students at Texas A&M University, Neil and Becky Burleson were both challenged to obey God’s Great Commission to take the gospel to all the world as they took part in short-term trips to Mexico. As time went on, the Lord laid it on their hearts specifically to be part of the broader church planting effort by serving as teachers of missionaries’ children. In 1996, their family went as associate missionaries with Ethnos360 to Papua New Guinea (PNG) where they taught at Numonohi Christian Academy.
After serving for four years as associate missionaries, the Burlesons went through career missions training in Durham, Ontario, and returned to Papua New Guinea as career missionaries in 2002. There Neil served as the vice principal of the school while Becky taught Spanish until 2013. Then, Neil was asked to take on a role in field leadership, serving as Personnel Director and later Managing Director of the PNG field from 2015-2020.
In 2020, following the high school graduation of their youngest daughter, the Burlesons left PNG in order to attend to some health needs within their extended family. Recalling their own experience of being challenged to serve in overseas missions as college students, Neil and Becky decided to work in mobilization back in College Station, Texas, home of their alma mater, Texas A&M University, and also to represent Ethnos360 throughout the state of Texas. Their desire is that God would use them to motivate others to serve the Lord in fulfilling the Great Commission as they were motivated so many years ago.