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Job Type: Communications
Region: North America
Country: United States
To create awareness of Ethnos360 Aviation through events and promotions. Includes scheduling, planning, organizing and overseeing Ethnos360 Aviation’s events throughout the year.
Job Type: Business and Administration
Region: North America
Country: United States
Represent Ethnos360 Aviation to churches, colleges, aviation gatherings and other events to connect people to God’s work of reaching the unreached through aviation. Then present opportunities for “next steps” for those interested in giving their...
Job Type: Evangelism and Church Planting
Region: Europe
Country: United Kingdom
Duration: 4 Years
Husband: 1. Teaching various modules in the CCC course, particularly Church Planting modules and related topics 2. Some CCC administration 3. Mission Simulation (Jungle Camp) set up 4. Mission course Mentoring of individual students Wife: 1....
Job Type: Evangelism and Church Planting
Region: Latin America
Country: Paraguay
Duration: Career
Missionaries will begin by being involved in culture and language acquisition. Upon completion of language study missionaries will develop Bible lessons and teach using the Chronological materials. Bible translation may or may not be necessary...
Job Type: Evangelism and Church Planting
Region: Africa
Country: West Africa
Duration: Career
Bible teaching, translation and discipleship among the Badyaranke in Senegal.
Job Type: Evangelism and Church Planting
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country: Papua New Guinea
Duration: Career
Upon arrival in PNG church planters begin with study of the national trade language and PNG culture, orientation to the wider team and ministries and specific equipping for the PNG context. Keeping interdependence with the existing PNG National...
Job Type: Aviation
Duration: Career
Our pilot/mechanics fly and maintain Kodiaks to support church planting teams. Meeting transportation needs includes flying medevacs; bringing supplies, equipment, medicine, food, mail, etc.; and encouraging church planters in their ministry.
Job Type: Health Care
Region: North America
Country: United States
Duration: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years, Career
The RN's primary role is that of Personal Care Attendant.  Additional responsibilities that the RN license allows include:  Perform the initial training and updates for ALF staff assisting with medications.  Possibly other...
Job Type: Aviation
Duration: Career
Our avionics specialists maintain Kodiaks and Robinson R66s serving the church planting ministries of Ethnos360 and its affiliates.  They ensure that the aircraft are in compliance with Ethnos360 Aviation and local country standards.
Job Type: Aviation
Duration: Career
Our airplane pilots fly Kodiaks to support church planting teams. Meeting transportation needs includes flying medevacs; bringing supplies, equipment, medicine, food, mail, etc.; and encouraging church planters in their ministry.