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Elementary Teachers

Bachelor's degree and teacher training required. Thorough knowledge of best practices and legal guidelines and willingness to adhere to the school's procedures and policies, excellent organization and communication skills, maintains confidentiality, creative, positive and energetic disposition, a heart for student ministry.
Preferred: One year classroom teaching experience, State Teacher's Certificate, ASCI Certification.
Region: Africa
Country: Senegal
Location: International School
Salary: None – Financial support raising required
Purpose: Dakar Academy's vision is to produce well-rounded students, prepared for higher-level studies, whose Christian worldview permeates all aspects of their lives. Ethnos360 exists to assist the local church in planting churches among least reached people groups.
Responsibilities: To teach elementary students.
Duration: 1 Year - Career
People Needed: 3
These teaching opportunities are open on the South, West and Central campuses of Dakar Academy. Dakar Academy offers a stipend and benefits, including furnished housing, utilities, and medical insurance subsidy.
