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Information Management Specialist

Job Specific Training
Minimum 2 years working in information management / data management preferred.
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country: Papua New Guinea
Location: Field Office, Highlands
Salary: None – Financial support raising required
Purpose: The Information Manager plays a critical role on the church planting team. The mission in PNG has information in many areas including Bible translation, people group assessments, tribal ministry materials and citizen training. Keeping this information current and accessible allows us to move forward in church planting as well as fulfill government requirements.
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to capture, organize, centralize, archive, maintain and access current and future organization-wide information.
  • Train people to input and retrieve data. This includes:
    • Identify what information needs to be captured, both current and future.
    • Identify the uses of that information.
    • Develop methods to collect information.
    • Develop methods for personnel to access relevant information.
  • Coordinate completion and collection of timely and routine reports.
  • Gather information from other organizations, NGOs and government agencies.
  • Compile and maintain a detailed inventory of existing information resources.
  • Regularly reassess information strategies in light of company priorities and goals as well as technology changes.
  • Develop and maintain documentation in these areas.
Duration: 1 Year - Career
People Needed: 1
Priority: Urgent
This position is available for either Associate Members or Career Members of Ethnos360.
