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ESD Special Education Teacher

Undergraduate degree in Special Education.
Minimum of 2 years current experience in special education. Has at least an Undergraduate Degree in Special Education. Knowledge of and ability to administer assessments at the elementary level; including the areas of reading, writing, and math abilities. Knowledge of and ability to write and implement an educational plan including accommodations and/or modifications. Possess knowledge and experience with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Emotional Deficit, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Possess knowledge of a wide variety of materials and resources available to support students with special needs.
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country: The Philippines
Location: Faith Academy, Manila
Salary: None – Financial support raising required
Purpose: The purpose of the school is to equip students for life through academic excellence and the development of Christian faith and character; enabling them to live out that truth in every area of their lives. The purpose of Ethnos360 is to assist the local church in planting churches among least reached people groups.
Responsibilities: The ESD special education teacher will be responsible to help evaluate the needs of students in elementary for special services. This teacher will work with the ESS coordinator as well as the classroom teacher and the elementary administration. When involved in teaching, the teacher will need to communicate effectively with the classroom teacher as well as with the parents.
People Needed: 1
Priority: Urgent
