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Software Developer / Programmer

Job Specific Training
Job Specific Training. Maintain a growing relationship with Christ and a willingness to work with a diverse team. an extensive knowledge of a variety of operating systems, relational databases, version control and related technologies. Maintain a growing relationship with Christ and a willingness to work with a diverse team. An extensive knowledge of a variety of operating systems, relational databases, version control and related technologies.
A minimum of 2 years' experience working in similar role and position.
Region: Asia-Pacific
Country: Papua New Guinea
Location: Field Office
Salary: None – Financial support raising required
Purpose: To glorify God and assist in establishing mature churches equipped for maturity and multiplication among the least reached people groups by developing and maintaining in-house computer software.
  • Collaborate with and encourage our fellow NTM PNG team members in all aspects of living and service.
  • Learn and analyze NTM PNG specific business processes.
  • Plan, develop, and maintain new features for the NTM PNG Intranet.
  • Work with our business departments to maintain our ERP and reporting systems.

Duration: 1 Year - Career
People Needed: 1
This position is available for either Associate Members (minimum of 1 1/2 years) or Career Members of Ethnos360.
