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Common Issues

1. It says I don't have a user, but I know I gave online and/or I get my receipts at this email address.

First, what method do you use to give?

Bank Account

If you are using EFT giving (through your bank account), that is set up directly with our finance office and doesn't require a user on this website. We are also unable to display your EFT giving history through the website at this time. To manage your EFT giving, please visit our EFT page.

Credit Card

If you are giving through your credit card but the website claims you have no user, it's possible a user account was never set up, as our site allows giving with only an email address if you choose not to create a user. To fix this, simply create a new user using the same email address, and your giving records will automatically be connected with the new user account.


2. I am an Ethnos360 member and my password isn't working.

This is the Ethnos360 public website. User accounts on this website are intended for making and managing online donations from you to Ethnos360 missionaries/projects. If you're not logging on for that purpose, it's likely you're in the wrong place. Please try to find what you're looking for on the Members' Hub.


Neither of those solved my problem.

Please contact the webmaster for further help.