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Did you hear?

Every 45 days a new people group somewhere in the world hears about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ in their own language for the very first time. And for NTM missionaries serving on the tribal church planting team in the USA, the news never gets old.

Emails shoot from office to office. “Did you hear? Another tribe heard the Gospel today! Isn’t it wonderful?” Then back to work they go, encouraged that by the job they’re doing—shouldering the necessary, but less glamorous roles here at home—tribes are hearing in 45 days instead of it taking much longer.

But since more than 100 people groups (representing roughly 10 million people) have asked New Tribes Mission to bring them God’s Word and are still waiting for available missionaries, the desire is for an even shorter goal.

So leadership members in the USA are now working hard to shrink that number to 30 days. All the brainstorming, planning, decision-making, strategizing, preparing, training and equipping to ultimately make that possible, happens here in the USA.

And each missionary serving on the tribal church planting team from this side of the ocean, in whatever position they hold, is committed to doing their part in helping those requests be filled.

Then someday, the very best news can spread. “Did you hear? The last tribe ...”

Tags: Ethnos360 Magazine
POSTED ON Aug 01, 2012