From Our CEO

Dear Friend,
I often wonder how I would have managed the talents given to the servants by their master in Matthew 25:14-30. Would l have placed it in my top drawer where I keep my important stuff, and then forgotten about it unless I needed it? Or would I have invested it carefully and been intentional to monitor the interest I’m getting off the principle?
That’s why I’m excited that our Ethnos360 magazine focuses on our collective stewardship of Christ’s Story. I’m thrilled to share stories of how we as the Body of Christ are successfully stewarding this powerful, life-changing, eternal-life-or-death story and obeying our Master’s command to take it to the ends of the earth.
First Baptist Church of Magnolia, the sending church of Jeremy and Mandy Hambrice, demonstrates their commitment to Christ’s mandate for the Church by the way they have discipled, directed, trained, invested and stayed engaged in the church planting initiative among the Wantakia people of Papua New Guinea. And they represent thousands of churches that Ethnos360 is privileged to team up with to establish thriving churches among people groups who have never had the opportunity to respond to Christ’s Story. May God challenge our hearts to be relentless in our pursuit of sending and partnering together to make disciples among the world’s unreached people groups.
Larry M. Brown
Ethnos360 CEO