From Our CEO

Dear Friend,
I remember thinking, “Wow!” as I read through Chapter 16 in my studies of the book of Romans.
Paul had an incredible dream team on whom he leaned heavily for his ministry. Building teams and networking didn’t seem to be new to him.
He first mentions Phoebe, a sister in the Lord, who delivered his letter to the church in Rome. Paul says she has been a helper to him and to many of the other saints.
Priscilla and Aquila, whom Paul evidently lived with for 18 months while he was in Corinth, worked together making tents. You can tell Paul held them in high esteem for all that they contributed to his ministry and for the furtherance of the Church, even hosting an assembly of saints which gathered in their home.
I count 27 names of those who engaged with each other in getting the gospel out to those who needed to hear. What a precious list of saints! These people befriended Paul and served with him in ministry.
I think this demonstrates that Paul recognized that no man is an island in God’s economy and purpose. Christ is the Head, His body is the Church, and we are members of that body, each called and privileged to do our part.
In this issue of Ethnos360, I trust you catch our deep appreciation for you and your part. I also hope we can challenge you and others that the ministry is broad and deep and that we are desperately in need of each other if we are going to have an impact on a world that needs Christ. Please pray for more laborers and let the saints know that there are many skills needed to accomplish this task of reaching the world. It’s doable if we team up!
Yours in Christ,
Larry M. Brown, Ethnos360 CEO