From Our CEO

Dear Friend,
Of the eight core values that Ethnos360 endorses with our Global Partners, the first is the bedrock of them all: “We value the Word of God as our final authority.” I’m thankful to be part of a global organization that places importance and reliance on the Word of God. The precious Word of God helps us to answer life’s most important questions. As a leader in this organization, I’m so thankful that God’s Word defines how we should lead and what our priorities should be.
You have likely heard us refer to a Maturing Church Model. The first of the four categories that we use has to do with access and engagement with God’s Word. Without God’s Word as the authority for truth, we deeply handicap the church’s growth and influence.
Given the importance of the Word of God, it makes sense that our first phase of training is intended to ground students in a clear understanding and appreciation of God’s Word. In this issue you will learn more of our commitment to this value through our Ethnos360 Bible Institute. I can personally give testimony to the importance in my life of the dedicated Bible Institute staff who invested in me to bring me to a deeper understanding of God’s Word. It’s that foundation that has given me the ability to go through many trials and challenges in ministry for 40 years.
Our motto for Ethnos360 Bible Institute is “Where Bible education and Missions are one.” The focus is Bible, missions and discipleship. How can it be any different? From Genesis to Revelation, we see God’s love for the world and His desire to bring them back into a relationship with Him!
He includes us as members of the Church in the greatest task going on in the world — reaching and teaching others who are still waiting for His message to them, His Word.
As you read, I know you will get excited about the opportunities we continue to have to invest in young people who graduate with a strong, personal value placed on God’s Word.
Yours in Christ,
Larry M. Brown, Ethnos360 CEO