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Pointing to Jesus

New Tribes Mission is committed to sharing the great news of Jesus Christ and effectively planting maturing churches among unreached people groups around the world.

We have the privilege of being guided by God's instructive hand and applying tools to best convey the nature and revelation of God's character.

Missionaries are prepared to talk about God with tribal groups after spending enough time living among them to learn their language and culture. But how do you launch into a Gospel presentation about Jesus for people who have never heard the name Jesus before?

The answer is … you don't.

A solid foundation must first be laid. A foundation that points directly to Jesus as the only acceptable sacrifice for your sins. History has proven that without a solid foundational understanding of Jesus, new tribal churches eventually go back to their old ways or create new falsehoods that blend into their belief system.

For more than 25 years NTM has used Trevor McIlwain's Building on Firm Foundations as the textbook for reaching tribes with the Gospel. This type of teaching is called chronological Bible teaching and missionaries use it to systematically lay a solid foundation for both understanding the Gospel and for Christian growth.

The westernized version of McIlwain's lessons is called Firm Foundations: Creation to Christ and is taught in churches, classrooms, Sunday schools, Bible studies and small groups to provide a solid foundation of Biblical principles pointing to Christ.

Beginning in Genesis and ending with the life of Christ, Firm Foundationsproduces an understanding of God's nature and character, man's sinful state and separation from God, and focuses on Christ as the promised Redeemer.

McIlwain recently spearheaded a revision of Firm Foundations: Creation to Christthrough New Tribes Mission. Updated to be more relevant in a Western culture, the set includes electronic teaching materials as well as physical maps, charts and illustrations.

Foundational Bible teaching is essential for any believer, whether you live with the most remote tribe of the Amazon or in an urban concrete jungle.

Find out more about the new edition>>
Tags: Ethnos360 Magazine
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2009