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Beginning ministry among a forgotten people

As the McClain and Flaugher families flew over the thick jungle canopy and looked down upon the hidden, isolated village of the Elseng people, it was evident to them why this group of people has been secluded from the Gospel.

"Kami tertinggal," the people say. "We've been left here, forgotten."

It was only a 20-minute helicopter ride, but in that space of time the missionaries were transplanted into a different world.

The kids were fascinated by the hairless puppies and they "ooohed" at the big hairy pigs.

The McClains were in the village for only two-and-a-half hours, but were able to see the wood that has already been cut to build the missionary houses.

Scott and Natasha Flaugher and their three children are staying in the village for a nine-day visit and have already seen some challenges.

The children were having trouble settling down to sleep the first night, which caused some complaint among the Elsengs.

The people said they were afraid that this was spiritual trouble and they offered a fix. They said they could take the children to their witchdoctor.

Their second day in the village the Flaughers were confronted by another problem.

"The woodcutters started complaining that they wanted a lot more money than what was agreed upon for the work," the McClains wrote.

Hopefully this problem will be solved before a work team goes to the village on Friday to begin house building.

Please pray for Jareb and Amy McClain and the Flaughers as they begin the stressful work of building houses and especially for building good relationships with the Elseng people.
Tags: Asia-Pacific, Elseng People Mission News, Prayer,
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2009 by David Bell