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City church serves jungle children

Filipino believers travel many rough hours to spend a week teaching jungle Vacation Bible School.

In just a few weeks, a huge blessing will descend upon a group of children who are tucked away in a remote mountain location in the Philippines. A team from a city church has heard God’s call to get busy and involved in tribal ministry.

Nine people from this city church, including the pastor and his wife, all of whom can speak the Ilocano language, will be traveling by boat to run a Daily Vacation Bible School in the village home of missionaries Don and Char Epp. 

Don writes, “The team will be leaving in a van at 3 a.m., driving north for three hours to a pier where a boat will be waiting. At 6 a.m., (the Lord willing and weather permitting) they will start an eight-hour boat journey to the village where we live, arriving at about 2 p.m.”

Typically someone is sick upon arrival after spending many hours in the rocking boat, Don says. And in spite of the long, rough journey, just a few hours later, the team will need lots of energy and enthusiasm to begin the ministry task of teaching and playing with tribal kids in a new, strange place. 

Lots of planning and preparation have gone into this tribal VBS. Everyone is eager and waiting in anticipation to see what God will do through these city believers who have sacrificed their time and stretched their own budgets to be faithful to His call on their lives.

“We invite you,” shares Don, “to pray for all the kids who will be involved in the VBS program. Pray also for the team that will be coming to run the VBS out of our house in our jungle location.”

Don asks prayer for safety in travels and for physical health and strength for the city team.  Pray also for open, responsive hearts in the Ilocano children. Pray that God will mightily bless this jungle VBS for His glory and make this week one of great eternal profit for His Kingdom.

Tags: Asia-Pacific, Mission News, Prayer Philippines,
POSTED ON May 09, 2012 by Cathy Drobnick