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God’s Word Goes Forth in Papua New Guinea Schools

In the Bush

Yesterday was a special joy for us here in support services. Most often, the teaching and church planting efforts of our missionaries occurs at a distance from us, somewhere out in the bush, and we only hear of the results rather than see them.

In the School

In the School

But yesterday was a celebration of the conclusion of the Foundations in Christ chronological Bible teaching for elementary kids in [the local school for Papua New Guinean children].

We do not yet know the impact or the fruit of the teaching, but what a joy to hear that over 100 children have now heard the complete story of Jesus and His salvation!

What a joy to hear that they had sat attentively and listened well, participating well throughout the teaching, hearing them answer collectively and excitedly the questions asked of them about who Jesus is and what He has done for them, and hearing the report that parents had come to the headmistress saying how their children’s behavior has been changing because of what they were learning! Bel bilong mi i stap hamamas tru! (My belly [heart] is very happy!)

In the Neighborhood

The Foundations in Christ chronological Bible teaching has also been taught to our national workers here on the center as well. Discussions have been going on as to where to go with teaching this fall.

Please pray for the fruit of all of these teachings here [at the center], in the children [at school] and in the bush. God’s Word is powerful, and God’s Spirit stirs the heart. Please pray for much fruit from the hearing and believing of God’s Word!

Tags: Asia-Pacific, Mission News, Prayer, Papua New Guinea
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2018 by Rosie Cochran and Tobi Magill