Humble service

It’s seen in the small everyday things of life. Sometimes it’s publicly displayed. Or perhaps after a person is gone, what was special about their lives is put into words.
Each of these scenarios has been evident this year in the lives of the Siar people among whom Chris and Erin Lujan and Lane and Karrie Sanford live and work.
There’s a growing, maturing church that is strong and standing firm. Siars are teaching the Word of God to their own people as well as reaching out to other villages.
In the midst of this it’s the humble lives of these believers that is speaking the loudest.
There are ladies who cook for the teachers and their families so that they can give undivided attention to the Word. This humble labor of love speeds the efforts of the teachers, enabling them to focus on the people they are ministering to.
There was a funeral where the impact of an elderly believer's new life was noted. His humble response to the truths of God’s Word was remarkable. He believed and the life of the former witchdoctor was changed. His memorial spoke to many and a clear gospel presentation was heard by visitors from neighboring communities. They were eyewitnesses to the hope in the midst of sadness lived out by a humble servant.
Standing up in front of the gathering church body, another man humbled himself to say he was wrong. He had gone along with an old belief system practice to stop a man who was making rain so that the sun would come out. Humbly listening to the encouragement of others he realized he was wrong. This realization led him to get up and publicly apologize for his failure to keep his confidence in God.
So as missionaries go to the ends of the earth to humbly serve, it’s exciting for Chris and Erin and Lane and Karrie to see new believers, “gird (themselves) with humility, to serve one another,” as 1 Peter 5:5 says.
Getting to see first-hand how the truth of God’s Word changes the deepest of deceptive beliefs is part of what motivates these ambassadors for Christ.
Have you considered how your humble service is influencing the furtherance of the gospel?
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