Please, God, Let the Rain Stop
The Rain Won’t Stop
What happens when you’re ready to build, but the rains won’t stop? Seth and Kaitlyn Sanford, missionaries to the Konomala people of Papua New Guinea, found themselves in that predicament — and they found God to be bigger than their predicament.
“Together with a group from the Siar church, our goal was to build a small truck shed that would eventually be used for our two offices and as a place for our truck," the Sanfords wrote. We [arrived] a couple of days before we planned to start working. On the day that we got there, it started raining. … and continued through until the morning that we were planning to start working.”
Start with Prayer
So, what do you do? What did they do?
“As we sat there with our friends from Siar, we were each looking at the sky and asking the Lord to stop the rain so that we could get posts set in the ground and begin building. The rain was not slowing down, so we all decided to just start working and do what we could.
“Literally, the very moment that we all stood up and started to gather tools, the rain stopped! We all cheered and thanked God. Then we looked at the sky, saw the dark clouds and asked Him to keep it from raining again.”
It didn’t rain at all while they worked for the next four days.
God Showed His Power
Amazing, right? But I love what happened next as well. Seth wrote, “Then the exact moment that the last tool was put away and we sat down to rest, the sky opened up and it started dumping rain.
“We all started laughing and talking about how awesome God is. We just watched the rain, washed our dirty feet off and told the story to each other of how God stopped the rain on Monday and how He started it back up on Thursday. We were at the end of our water supply on Thursday too, and God filled the tank in one perfect rain storm.”
Praise God that He is opening doors for ministry among the Konomala people — even to the point of stopping the rain. Pray for this new work.