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'We can't do this alone'

Why don't we go?

I thought about that after I read Mark 16:15 today: “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

God gave His Son to die for us. He sent His Son, so we could be His children. He did that because He loves us. When we don't love people, we don't go teach them. We don't go tell them God's Word maybe because we don't really love them. That's why.

And when we go, we can’t just go for one day. We can't teach people that way. We need to go and stay for a while, for a whole month, for several months, maybe for a whole year, and teach people. We need to teach thoroughly.

It's like building a house. You can't build a house in one day that will last. It takes time, and it has to be done right. It's the same way with teaching God's Word. We need to teach more than once. People need to hear what we say.

Then it takes time even after they hear the word, for it to enter their hearts. People want to hear it a lot, and let it enter their hearts. If you don't do it like that, it won't last.

We can't do it by ourselves either. One person can't do the job. There are lots of people who need teaching. One person can't go everywhere. We can't split ourselves in two and half of us go one place and the other half another place. That's why it takes a lot of people.

That's why when God said, “You go and teach,” He didn’t use a singular “you.” He used a plural. He said, “You all go and teach.” We all have a job to do, and we all need to do our part.
Tags: Other Tribal Beat Stories,
POSTED ON Apr 08, 2004 by Minyung - an elder in the Panare tribal church of Venezuela