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'Within a yard of Hell'

Missionary Ruth Patton shares her honest struggles with ministry in a hard, dark place.

Ruth Patton says one of her favorite quotes, by C.T. Studd, goes like this, “Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell; I wish to run a rescue mission within a yard of Hell.”

Ruth Patton calls herself a “country girl.”  She says she was raised in a “Mayberry-type” town.  And the above quote is an inspiration and reminder to her, because the truth of the matter is, Ruth, in her heart-of-hearts, humanly speaking, would rather live within the sound of a chapel bell. 

But God has located Ruth and her husband, Charlie, somewhere very far from chapel bells in Mayberry. By His grace, God has planted them in the center of a hot and humid city in Brazil. It is a city, Ruth says, that “sprung up in the middle of a vast expanse of jungle on the side of a well-known river where once only animism and the occult existed among tribal communities.” And at times, Ruth confesses, it has felt like she was living within a yard of Hell.

“It seems the Lord would have me learn a life where theory becomes blessed reality. He has joined my life with the lives of a few light-bearers in a land that is very dark indeed. It is impossible to fathom the extent of evil weaved and knotted tightly into such a landscape,” Ruth writes.

Yet Ruth knows that she is there because God has orchestrated it. And she prays for God’s Holy Spirit to be so visible in her life that she will used to influence lost people toward His Kingdom. “Sometimes, though, I have to confess that I focus on the size of my flickering flame and forget to see the brilliance and penetrating power of Jesus Christ, Who is the Light of the World.”

Ruth says it is dangerous to focus on her limitations. It is dangerous to wonder if it’s worth it to miss their kids and grandkids so much—the joys of holidays and creature comforts.  When she focuses on her own strength and ability, Ruth says that she is easily discouraged about the extent that Satan has gripped the city around her with spiritism, alcohol, drugs, prostitution, abuse, immorality, materialism and the prominence of the “prosperity gospel” among those who claim to be evangelicals.

She concludes with the psalmist, “I would have despaired if I failed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” 

“I remember that it is not fragile me up against the powers of darkness around me.  This is His work, these are His battles. The outcome in the end has already been determined,” Ruth adds.

Ruth is cheered to remember that God is doing His faithful work. Though many Christians are battle-worn, there are churches that are reaching out to the lost. There is a new awareness and interest in some circles toward the unreached people groups in the vast outreaches of Brazil. Some evangelical churches are growing spiritually and in their discernment.

Ruth shares, “Although living here does make me long for Heaven … or at least Mayberry … something inside me has given me hope, purpose, renewed strength when mine is exhausted, and even joy amidst the unpleasant realities.  I have this when my focus is on Jesus Christ.”

“May I always be discerning enough,” Ruth adds, “to catch myself when I focus on my limitations instead of on our great and awesome God … nothing is impossible with Him.”

Pray for Charlie and Ruth Patton and for many other missionaries who have left the comforts of home and family in order to bring the life-changing message of Jesus Christ to locations far from the sound of a chapel bell. Pray for their lives to shine brightly in the spiritual darkness. And pray for God to encourage and strengthen their hearts in His deep love for them and in His great faithfulness to them.

Tags: Brazil, Latin America Mission News, Prayer,
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2012 by Cathy Drobnick