Short-Term Trip Student Fund

Project Number: TRPDON
Contributing to this Fund will help give students the opportunity to join a Short-Term Trip with Ethnos360.
Students attending these trips are seeking direction as to how they may fit in the great commission. Participation in a Short-Term trip is a great way for them to see first-hand what God is doing in the world to bring every tongue, tribe, and nation to Himself. They will learn about the various roles required to plant churches and reach people with the Gospel. These things help give a clearer picture of how they might fit into that process. The Encounter and Interface trips provide this opportunity with visits to locations all over the world in areas where Ethnos360 is currently working. This Fund will help those students who struggle to pay for their trip cost, especially when finances is their main roadblock.
How You’ll Be Helping
The greatest benefit of your gift will be giving more students the opportunity to be challenged and mobilized into Gods global purposes.

Other Ways To Give
Use the form above only if you are giving by credit card.
To give by check or money order, make it payable to Ethnos360 and include a note if you are designating it for a particular project or missionary. Mail it to: Ethnos360, 312 W. First St., Sanford, FL 32771
Learn how to make recurring gifts with Electronic Funds Transfer