
Project Number: PUS038
$35 pays for a verse. That's how much it costs to pay mother tongue translation helpers who are vital for the clear translation of Scripture, to purchase equipment (computers/printers/software) used in the translation process, to pay for consultant travel as well as travel to forums/seminars for the translators, and finally to pay for the actual printing and shipping of translated materials to the people group.
How You'll Be Helping
Ethnos360 estimates that it takes 15 years and $277,000 from the time a work starts until a Bible is printed. That works out to about $35 a verse. Will you sponsor a verse or two or ten? Perhaps you could choose a chapter or even a book to sponsor. All for only $35 a verse.

Other Ways To Give
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To give by check or money order, make it payable to Ethnos360 and include a note if you are designating it for a particular project or missionary. Mail it to: Ethnos360, 312 W. First St., Sanford, FL 32771
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