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Bible teacher, translator loses distraction

Jesi, a Wusuraambyan man in Papua New Guinea, is focused on helping the missionaries with Bible translation and is also involved in evangelistic Bible teaching.

But the past few weeks have been distracting as some Wusuraambyan believers push him to marry a girl in his village.

"There was a lot of cultural pressure for him to marry a certain girl whom he did not feel God was leading him to marry," missionary Andrew Goud wrote.

The teaching and translation work is important to Jesi and he does not want to lose his focus on his work.

Andrew visited Jesi's village and spoke to the believers about marriage from the biblical and cultural point of view.

"Using the example of Isaac, I pointed out that an arranged marriage can be a happy occasion when God is consulted," Andrew wrote. "Thus, we can follow God's plan within the context of Wusuraambya culture, but the important thing is to truly wait upon God for the right person and the right time."

The believers realized what they were asking of Jesi and decided it was wrong to force him to get married.

"Jesi was very happy and relieved when this was finally resolved," Andrew wrote.

Please pray that Jesi will remain focused on the work he is doing for God and that fellow believers will continue to respect the pace in which he is living and will not continue to pressure him.
Tags: Mission News, Prayer, Papua New Guinea Wusuraambya People,
POSTED ON Jun 02, 2009 by Christina Johnson