God Loves the People of the World

Your partnership with Ethnos360 communicates His love
“And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves … Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Genesis 3:8-9)
You’re helping God speak to people’s hearts.
That might sound almost blasphemous. God doesn’t need our help to do anything. But He chooses to give us opportunities to serve Him because He desires to grow us and bless us.
And with every gift you make to Ethnos360, you help God speak to people’s hearts.
God wants to speak to each one of us, even when we’ve chosen to separate ourselves from God. He’s been proving that since the Garden of Eden.
So it makes sense to demonstrate God’s love for all people by ministering to them in their own language. It fits the pattern of what God did when Adam and Eve sinned. Even knowing what they did, He came to them, and He called out to them.
Ministering in people’s heart languages is certainly about ensuring that the gospel be clear. (The gospel is simple, but clearly communicating God’s grace and mercy and love and justice and righteousness and so much more is complex even in our own culture and language.)
But it’s important at a much deeper level too. It demonstrates God’s love.
That’s what you’re doing through your partnership.
Look How You’re Demonstrating God’s Love
Wherever you’re giving in Ethnos360, you’re right there as Andy and Chrissy Shaub delight in the growing comprehension of Awa people learning to read and write their own language in Ecuador. Thank you.
Your partnership anywhere in Ethnos360 contributed to the Lolo people getting their New Testaments with parts of the Old Testament recently.
One Lolo man, Molesse, in the first three months of having the Bible in his own language, read through Genesis, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel, Daniel, Jonah, Malachi and the entire New Testament. It was completely unlike reading the Bible in someone else’s language.
“When you read and you understand and find exciting things, you keep reading,” Molesse said. “Before we had the Bible in our language, we would read just a little bit and then put the Bible away because we did not understand very well what we were reading.”
You did that. Thank you.
The Kaje people of Papua New Guinea are hearing God’s story in their own language for the first time, and the Pal people, also of Papua New Guinea, are sharing God’s story with their own people. God is speaking to the Kaje and Pal people — among many others — because of your partnership with Ethnos360.
Thank you.
Today’s Heart Language Ministry Opportunity
As the end of the year approaches, we’d like to give you an opportunity to underwrite heart language ministries around the world with a special gift to Ethnos360.
Your gift will fund the backbone of services that are necessary for missionaries around the world to focus on the complex task of establishing a thriving church, which involves many difficult processes that require their concentration, such as:
- Learning the language
- Understanding the culture
- Developing an alphabet
- Translating the Bible
- Teaching clear Bible lessons
- Identifying and mentoring leaders and teachers
How can they do all those things? By trusting God, of course, with the backing of partners like you.
Your gift to Ethnos360 today will provide them with vital services such as:
- Training and travel for consultants that help them through each successive step of ministry.
- Receiving, processing and forwarding gifts from you and others like you.
- Mobilizing new co-workers and providing ongoing care and training.
- Leadership and administration travel and other expenses.
Today, will you please demonstrate your love for God by making a gift so that together, you and Ethnos360 can demonstrate God’s love to the world?