Missions Week . . . at a Mission School?

Missions Week
Robyn Green ministers to students at Numonohi Christian Academy (NCA) in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. She affirms that her students get daily Bible instruction, have heard the gospel, are almost all children of missionaries and are familiar with dozens of historical or contemporary missionaries.
So why did they have a Missions Week at NCA? How does that prepare them to reach a changing world?
Stepping Outside Comfort Zones
Robyn put it well when she said, “We [the staff] have a vision to encourage a lifelong passion for the multitude of ways that God is working across the world.” The idea of a missions week came about because of a recommendation to look at other mission organizations represented at the school, because of an observation that often MKs [missionary kids] don’t know what is available to them after graduation, and because of an increasing awareness among the students of world events.
This year the focus was on Christian humanitarian efforts with their emphasis on five areas: clean water, hunger, disease, refugees and human trafficking. Robyn added that they “definitely made a point to emphasize that Jesus at times focused on both human suffering and the gospel, and that it wouldn't match with the Scripture to focus solely on the humanitarian work and not address the spiritual need.”
Heightened Awareness
And did it make the students more aware? Yes! They began to feel the weight of the world’s needs on their hearts and to recognize that people are hurting physically, spiritually and emotionally the world over. Robyn commented, “The needs are indeed great, [but we] have a God who does the impossible. I can’t wait to see how God does the impossible through NCA students!”
Pray for missionaries’ children all over the world as they find the path that God has laid out for them. And if you’re a teacher, consider using your career skills in missions to touch the lives of MKs.