Praise is generated by doing without
Janie Miles shares that she and her co-workers at Interface are praising the Lord for His goodness and mercy in providing electricity for them.
“I can’t tell you how thankful to the Lord I was as I turned on my kitchen lights,” Janie expresses. “Sounds so simple, but you never really appreciate the little things in life until they are gone for awhile.”
Restoring a generator to working order is, she says, no small task. In fact, “Genny #2” had to be loaded by backhoe onto a flatbed truck, driven seven hours to a coastal town and dropped off at a dealership for two days for the needed repairs.
After a long return trip and the necessary reconfiguring, Janie says they again have power. And thankfulness is the order of the day. “We never ran out of water, and living with such limited electricity wasn’t as bad as we thought it was going to be.”
She adds that the staff guys were kept very busy moving the small generators around and keeping them on schedule so that essentials were taken care of while the generator was absent.
Janie shares, “God is always victorious and He is in control. He is good and merciful. He knows what we need and He knows what He’s doing. Continue to pray that we as a team will depend on God for everything, and not ourselves. What a comfort to know that in our weakness, He shows Himself strong.”
“Your ministry of prayer is vital,” Janie shares, “Thanks for holding the ropes for us there at home.”
”Now,” she quips, “you can be praying for our septic system!”