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Teacher fitting right in

Janel Nale has recently been adopted by a family in a neighboring village.

Janel teaches missionary children living among the Landuma people.  She shares more about her recent experience visiting a nearby village where a family met her and because of her African name being similar to theirs, immediately told her that they had adopted her. “Now I have a Landuma mother, older brother, and a host of other relatives!” 

Janel is not sure just what this “adoption” means but asks, “Please pray that I have wisdom in my relationships and interaction … it’s a little difficult for me, because I cannot communicate very well with them.”

As her schedule permits, Janel would like to learn more of the Landuma language. 

“My primary focus is still teaching,” she explains, “but I’ve been trying to spend more time in the afternoons and evenings learning new Landuma words.”  To avoid forgetting these new words, Janel carries a little notebook and writes everything down. 

Janel adds that another great way to pick up new words is when she is drawing with Landuma children on her porch.  She and the kids take turns drawing pictures and then they tell her the Landuma word for each picture.  “The only downside,” Janel writes, “is that it’s limited to what we can draw and none of us are professional artists.”

Pray for Janel as she faithfully teaches missionaries’ children.  Pray also that as she reaches out to her new “adopted” Landuma family and learns more of their culture and language in the process, she will brightly reflect the love of Jesus to the Landuma people.

Find out how you can teach missionaries’ children. {page_14}

Tags: Africa, Education, Mission News, Prayer, Landuma People West Africa,
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2012 by Cathy Drobnick