You'll be assigned on-campus housing based on your family size and specific needs. The housing is designed as a community, promoting interaction among staff and students. Each apartment has a phone and DSL connection, and wireless is available throughout the campus. Each apartment has a kitchen; there are no campus dining facilities. You will need to provide your own linens and may use your own furniture or furniture available on campus.
Your children
Childcare is normally offered for all young children, from nursery through pre-school. If childcare is not an option due to sickness or lack of personnel, students are able to stay up to date with the classes through cry rooms and/or video streaming. Childcare is a cooperative effort between all student mothers and staff ladies. Childcare runs during the morning class time: from 8:15 a.m.-12:05 p.m., all semester.
The Education Resource Center of Ethnos360 Training is your contact for questions about schooling issues, whether public school or homeschooling. Please contact them with questions you may have. Phone: 573-317-8624 or email edresources@ntm.org
Camdenton R-III is the closest public school and provides onsite bus service to the school. If you have questions about the public school, visit their website.
Homeschooling may be an option for your family. Contact the Education Resource Center for more information.
Every Friday, the student body meets for a time of corporate prayer, worship and teaching. The style and format of chapel services vary from guest speakers, praise and worship, testimonies, updates and information related to campus living, among others.