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Start Your Application

Thank you for your interest in serving with Ethnos360 to see churches planted among the world’s unreached people groups!

Career missionaries are required to have a minimum of two years of Bible prior to entering the Missionary Training Course. Learn more about Ethnos360 Bible Institute where Bible and missions are one.

Please continue if you are interested in career service or in serving 6 months to 4 years (Teacher or Skilled Associate).

You will have the opportunity to save this 12-page Preliminary Questionnaire and complete it in stages. The process will go more smoothly for you if you do the following beforehand:

  • Read and understand Ethnos360’s doctrinal statement to make sure you agree with it.
  • Review the qualifications for an associate or career ministry.
  • Prepare to answer questions about your contact information, family, church name, education level, debt, and occupation.
  • Gather contact information for your church(es) including address, phone number and the pastor's name and email.

Here are some of the questions you can prepare to answer:

  • What specific types of work are you interested in? (e.g. teacher, mechanic, tribal church planter)  (pg 5)
  • What job experience do you have (and how long)? (pg 8)
  • What certifications or licensing do you have? (pg 8)
  • Describe how and when you came to know Jesus Christ as Savior. (pg 11)
  • How much formal and/or informal Bible training have you had? Please describe. (pg 11)
  • Do you speak in tongues publicly or privately? (yes or no) (pg 11)
  • Each Ethnos360 worker looks to the Lord to provide for his or her financial needs through churches and friends. Do you believe God can meet your needs in this way?  (yes or no) (pg 12)
  • Have you ever made application to serve with another mission organization?  If so, please explain with whom and when. (pg 12)
  • Have you ever participated in an Ethnos360 program?  If so, what was your involvement? (pg 12)

Completing the questionnaire is not an application and does not commit you to Ethnos360 in anyway. It does give us helpful information about you that will enable us to better serve you. If you are married, we ask that each spouse complete a questionnaire.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 1-407-547-2351.  We are generally in the office from 8-5 Eastern Time. 

We look forward to hearing from you.