You can do this. "Fear not" is the most commonly repeated command in the Bible. And before you start feeling like a wimp for having fears or concerns about becoming a missionary, think about the world-changers to whom God said "fear not," including Moses, Joshua, Peter and John.
God says "fear not" because of who He is. His leading is a promise of what He will do through you if you follow. At times, it will be difficult and scary. But holding onto Him, you can do this.
What if I'm not spiritual enough?
Missionaries experience spiritual highs and lows, difficult times and "Hallmark" moments just like everyone else. Whether you've been walking with Him for a year or for 40, He keeps calling you deeper in your relationship with Him. Are you becoming the person God wants you to be? And are you demonstrating that by active service in your church? If so, you're probably spiritual enough.
What about finances?
Ethnos360 provides training to help you develop and grow effective partnerships. But it's still a big deal to trust God to provide for you through His people. Take courage that thousands of missionaries over the years have seen God provide for them. Sometimes He'll surprise you in your doubt and unbelief. Other times He will stretch your faith to the faltering point. The best way to find God faithful is to trust Him. It's a simple step that's hard to take.
Am I called?
Yes. God's called all believers to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). So you need to discover what He specifically wants you to do. He's not hiding that from you; God desires to lead and guide us. You should spend time in prayer and in His Word, and seek godly counsel. And please consider this: You are already reading a website designed to help you take part in planting churches among unreached tribal people. Look for His guidance and follow His lead, one step at a time.
What if I'm not an evangelist or those other things a missionary is supposed to be?
Who says you aren't what a missionary is supposed to be? God uses a team of people with a variety of skills, talents, gifts and abilities in order to reach tribal people. It's possible your role as a missionary could be very similar to what you are already doing. The Ethnos360 team is made up of church planters – along with teachers, computer programmers, construction workers, accountants, graphic artists and more.
What about my children?
While raising children overseas presents challenges, these are often outweighed by benefits and opportunities. Many missionaries' children develop a deep appreciation for other cultures, fluently speak multiple languages and develop spiritual maturity that leads them to serve Him and worship Him wherever He takes them. Ethnos360 seeks to provide educational options including home schooling, day Christian schools and Christian boarding schools. If God is leading you to be a missionary, Ethnos360 will help you think through the options for your family.
What about my friends and family?
As a missionary, the physical and emotional distance may take a toll on some of your relationships. Your friends and family may struggle to relate to you as your life takes on a different shape. Yet you just might discover God's ability to use your obedience to draw those you love closer to Him. And the bigger issue is, what's your most important relationship? If that's your relationship with God, and He's telling you this is the next step in your walk with Him, then nothing is more important. That's not easy. But it's right.
What about my dreams for the future?'
Do you want to live out your dreams? Delight yourself in the Lord (Psalm 37:4). If you delight in God, you will find that the dreams He has placed in your heart — for which God gave you specific talents, spiritual gifts and passion — will come to pass. And other hopes and plans will matter less and less. Letting go of them may be difficult, but God has a great plan for your life.
Find out why Ethnos360 may be a good choice for you and your church.
Or learn more about becoming a skilled associate or a career missionary.
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