Every 45 days a new people group somewhere in the world hears a clear presentation of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ in their own language.
My son Jeremy is an airline pilot and flies to all kinds of faraway and exotic places. Sometimes, I get to fly to those places with him. What amazes me is the team of people it takes for him to make these trips.
The team that makes sure finances get to overseas ministries locations is vital -- as Dena McMaster and her teammates found out when things got lost in the mail several years ago. Pray for patience, perseverance and diligence for this team.
You may not have heard of Epaphroditus, even though Paul told the church at Philippi to “hold such men in esteem.” And at first glance, his ministry doesn’t seem like much.
Missionaries in the USA fill many of the same kinds of roles as people who work in the USA. Pray that more people will connect with missionaries who serve here, and become part of their prayer, encouragement and support team.