
Did You Know?
Did you know that for the past 40 years Ethnos360 has been sending people on short-term trips to help them learn about missions around the world? Ethnos360’s Short-Term Trips team seeks to mobilize the Church as goers and senders with Ethnos360. These trips accomplish this task through cross-cultural ministry experiences, biblical education and personal discipleship. In 2024, we have a total of 10 trips scheduled. Over 165 participants will be experiencing cross-cultural ministry in very hands-on ways. Eight of these trips are in the summer, and two are during the winter. Join us in our endeavor to bring more laborers to the fields by praying and sending.
Please pray for
- The safety of the teams.
- The hearts of the participants.
- God to direct each participant to the role He has
- for them.
- The ongoing works in those fields.
- The field leaders as they prepare to share about their field.