Encounter in Mexico

The Summer 2023 Encounter trip to Chihuahua, Mexico, was an eye-opening testimony of God’s love for all people but also an urgent call for more laborers. We were able to meet a lot of new people and learn about some of the different cultures that are not too far from home. It is probably safe to say that what we had thought we would see and learn ended up being very different from reality, in the best way. God is so gracious to us.
We started our trip off in Chihuahua City at the “Ranch,” or in Spanish, “Rancho Siloe.” This is both a center for missionaries and a missionary training center. We spent our first handful of days in this center where we got to meet all the missionaries living there as well as most of those who live deeper in the city. We were overwhelmed by what I can only describe as gaining a new, instant family as the missionaries greeted us with open arms. Over the next two weeks, we built deep connections with them and didn’t want to leave! While we were in the center, we helped with some work projects, got familiar with the city and had many awesome sessions taught by the various missionaries. During this time, we learned about God’s heart for the nations as shown in Scripture as well as worldviews and animism, the methodology of Ethnos360 and other topics.
Next, we made the five-hour van trip south toward Durango and to a town called Guachochi. Then we took a small plane over a massive canyon in the Sierra Madre mountains to a small village we will call BG. Once there, we met up with an awesome missionary couple who hosted us for a couple of days. A people group called the Tepehuan live in this village, and most of them only speak Tepehuan. While we were there, we got to visit their small church, where we shared and listened to testimonies. We also brought a meal to the home of one of the believing families and cooked and ate with them. Also, while we were there, one of the missionaries led a session for us about the importance of training when you are on the field and his thankfulness for the training that he has had. During this village stay, my eyes were opened to the vast amount of poverty and hunger that exists in Mexico. My heart absolutely broke for so many that I met. However, I was reminded that what is far more important than their physical health is their spiritual state of whether or not they have accepted God’s beautiful gift of grace through Jesus Christ. It comforted me knowing that missionaries are there specifically to bring those people the message and to translate Scripture into their heart language.
We then visited another village we will call C, where the Tarahumara people live. We got to know another awesome couple who have been serving there for over 40 years, which was mind boggling. We were only there for a short time, but we got to attend their church service and meet almost all the believers there. It was so cool getting to hear their sermon being preached in Tarahumara and to know that the Bible is also getting translated into their language. Not being able to communicate with the people there reminded me of how thankful I am to be able to communicate with those around me back home and encouraged me to be more faithful with the opportunities that I have to share about Jesus.
We ended our time back in Chihuahua City, where we finished up the last of our work project and received additional teaching through more sessions with the missionaries. As powerful as all of the activities planned for us were, I also was incredibly encouraged and spurred on by living life with such wonderful people who love the Lord. Whether it was a spontaneous testimony as we painted doors or a story from long ago on the field as we scrubbed the dishes, I was often reminded of the Savior’s great love. If you have an opportunity to go on an Encounter Trip, I would recommend it!