From Our CEO

Dear Friend,
If you were to come to our Ethnos360 Home Office and I were to give you a tour, we would pause on the first floor where we have our translations on display. I would tell you that every time I enter that area, I feel like taking my shoes off since it's such a place of honor to me. I know many of the people who have done those translations and their stories. They are heroes of the faith to me. I know some of the battles they have endured to produce a translation of the New Testament. These are women and men who are passionate and understand that for the Church to grow to maturity, it needs God’s Word in the language of every people group.
Their heart is reflected in Jerome, a translator of the 4th century, who wrote, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” The sacrifice made to preserve and translate God’s Word throughout all ages shows the deep value and importance of God’s Word. I am ever thankful for the great care God took to preserve His message for us. I recall one conversation in Asia with a dear brother who said, “Before our translation was completed, our teaching was viewed as just another story added to our folklore, but now with the translation completed, our teaching carries more credibility and authority.”
While the primary purpose of Ethnos360 is not Bible translation, it is an integral part of church planting. Ethnos360, with our Global Partner network, has over 120 translations in progress, and currently, nearly six New Testaments are being completed annually. In this issue, you will learn what goes into this complex process to produce an accurate and easily understood New Testament translation.
Yours in Christ,
Larry M. Brown, Ethnos360 CEO