From Our CEO

Dear Friend,
I am so excited to present local churches as the focus of this issue of the Ethnos360 magazine!
The mandate to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every person, teaching them to observe all the things that Christ has commanded, was given to the Church.
In Ethnos360, we’re privileged to serve with local churches and as members of the church to fulfill the Great Commission. It's evident by God's grace that His precious good news and the knowledge of Christ is having an influence in dark areas of the world.
There have been so many times when I have been blessed to lean into the counsel and encouragement of church leaders for direction and wisdom. It's encouraging to witness churches staying highly engaged in the ministry of their missionaries, rejoicing with the progress being made as well as being there through the difficult times. We're stronger and more effective together as we walk together in ministry, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
I trust that this issue of the magazine will inspire you and your local church to embrace the blessing of being integrally involved in God’s Great Commission to see Christ exalted among the nations.
Larry M. Brown
Ethnos360 CEO