It’s been Opened Up to Us!

How important is it to you that you can read your own Bible in your own language? Have you ever tried to read God’s Word in some other language? Does it speak to you the same way your heart language does? I didn’t think so.
Stephen Crockett, who ministers among the Moi of the Asia-Pacific Region, recently wrote of meeting with two Moi men who were training to be missionaries themselves. The two men were doing a comprehension check of some Scriptures with Stephen and the translation consultant, Bob Clark. At the end of it all, one of the Moi men got really serious and said to Stephen, "You know we've learned the [national] language and can read their Bible now, but it's like the meaning is closed to us. But when we read the Moi Bible, it's like it's been opened up to us, and we can understand what the Creator God is trying to communicate with us."
What incredible words to hear! There are currently 87 New Testaments completed by missionaries sent out by Ethnos360 and our partner organizations.
Together we are seeing God's Word in the hands of people groups around the world. And by together, I'm including you. Partners like you are key both in heart language ministry and in establishing thriving churches by generously funding New Testament translations from the start.
And we’re not stopping with the 87 translations, either.
Ethnos360 teams are at work on 120 more New Testaments. Each will cost about $277,000, or $35 a verse. This covers the costs involved in translating the Scriptures and the accompanying Bible lessons, as well as the costs of producing a literacy course so that people can read and understand God’s Word.
At that price, you can help put God’s Word into print in another people group’s heart language today. Maybe you can sponsor a verse or two or ten. Perhaps you could choose a chapter or even a book to sponsor. If you want to get behind a more specific translation project, check out the possibilities on our Translate page.