From Our CEO

Dear Friend,
We are now already a quarter of the way through 2020, and I’m amazed at how our God continues to show Himself powerful on our behalf. He never ceases to amaze us with His goodness and mercy.
Late last year, I read about how God worked out His plan in Colombia, where one of our global partners (Iglesia Cristiana Nuevos Horizontes) ministers. The missionary wrote, “Many of you have been eager to hear the results of our meeting with the tribal council. On one hand, we saw the Lord grant us a great victory, and on the other hand, we are still facing some major challenges. After a pretty intense meeting, the conclusion was that missionaries will be able to continue ministering with the existing indigenous church, but that they will not be permitted to evangelize in any other villages (within their territory).
“From our experience we know that many villages within this territory are eager to hear the message of the gospel and wouldn’t take such a strong stance against Christianity. So, we view the outcome as very positive, since we were able to secure our ability to continue ministering with the existing indigenous church. And, while the ‘no further evangelizing’ decision may sound definitive … we trust and believe that our God can move mountains, open doors and radically change hearts. Thank you so much to all of you who were praying.”
Thank you to all of you who have been praying for God to move in mighty ways across the globe. He is indeed able to “move mountains, open doors and radically change hearts.” In this magazine, read how God brought the Northern Tepehuan people His Word in their language after 40 years of labor. There was much that could have hindered the work of translation, but God determined the work to be completed. Praise God for His Word reaching His children!
Yours in Christ,
Larry M. Brown, Ethnos360 CEO