From Our President

Dear Readers,
Our founders were men who said things like “By unflinching determination we will hazard all” for the cause of Christ — and they proved they meant it.
When five of our first missionaries went missing in the jungles of Bolivia, the rest of the team pressed on. Though hopes of finding the men alive were dim, their wives labored undeterred to bring the gospel to the Ayoré people.
As tragedy after tragedy unfolded in our early years, men and women kept coming, and we grew and reached out farther and farther.
That kind of determination is going to be needed in the future as well. A determination to go anywhere, under any circumstances for the cause of Christ, regardless of the cost.
Think about where the world’s unreached people groups are today. Engaging on the edge of the church means going places where the work is going to be difficult. The conditions are going to be dangerous. Our determination is going to be tested again and again.
We are all familiar with the current growing tensions in the physical world, and we can be assured of more intense spiritual warfare as Christ’s return draws near.
I have to ask myself today if we are still willing to keep forging into the hard areas. Will we follow the example of our founders and press on?
I am hopeful that the answer is a resounding yes.
I wholeheartedly believe that if the whole church will engage in what Christ asked us to do, we can reach the world in this generation. In no other age has more been happening globally to reach the world.
Young people are looking for something worth giving their lives for. This is their time, and I pray that they take the challenge. There is nothing this world has to offer that can surpass introducing a people group to Christ!
Larry M. Brown
Ethnos360 President