Meanwhile, in Mexico City…

Jesus’ compassion for the multitudes in Matthew 9:36-38 leads Him to make a simple command to His disciples: “Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” In 2008, New Tribes Mission Mexico opened a Bible school in Mexico City, praying that the Lord would use it to send laborers into His harvest. He has used it for just that, as over the past 15 years, a high number of graduates from the Mexico City Bible Institute have continued in their training. Some of these joined or began works to reach the least-reached both within and outside of Mexico’s borders.
The potential of the Mexico City Bible Institute to train laborers for the harvest is great. Mexico City is the fifth-largest city in the world, with a population of around 25 million people and a unique location in central Mexico. With 33,000 evangelical churches in Mexico City alone, the Bible Institute trains numerous local students, in addition to receiving students from hundreds of miles away.
Yet the Bible Institute desperately needs more space. It is currently run out of one teacher’s home — limited to eight students living onsite and with only one classroom. The school’s capacity falls far short of its potential, the potential to send laborers to the no-less-than 38 least-reached people groups in Mexico, the 336 unreached groups in Latin America and the great number of unreached people groups (UPGs) in the world, where Mexican missionaries are uniquely situated to enter restricted regions of the world.
We believe that the Mexico City Bible Institute could train many more future missionaries. Mobilization efforts have already generated interest from all over southern Mexico and into Central America. However, despite beginning a fund-raising project 10 years ago to provide adequate training facilities, to date only a third of the needed $646,000 has been raised. With needed funds, the Bible Institute could receive 30 students on campus and many times that number in commuting students. But without those funds, we have been limited to very few students onsite and only around 20 local students.
Our prayer is that the Lord would raise the remaining funds in the next year. The harvest is great — but the potential to send workers to the harvest from Mexico City is also great. We genuinely believe that increasing the size of the Mexico City Bible Institute will directly lead to more workers continuing through training and out to work among the unreached of the world. The need in Mexico and in the world remains great, and therefore the need to send more workers is urgent. Please join us in praying that the Lord would provide in a great way, that the Mexico City Bible Institute would be able to make the most of the unique position the Lord has put it in to equip the church to reach the least-reached of the world.